A Primer for Research on Self-Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors
Note: For any article you have trouble accessing, let me know and I’ll upload it here.
The basics—terms, definitions, and rates:
- Suicide among Youth: Epidemiology, (Potential) Etiology, and Treatment [link]
- Self-Injury [link]
- Describing and Measuring the Pathway to Suicide Attempts: A Preliminary Study [link]
- Interventions for Suicide and Self-Injury: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Across Nearly 50 Years of Research [link]
- Coming to terms with the terms of risk [link]
How to respectfully talk about suicide:
- Matching Good Intentions with Good Outcomes–Ways to Engage in Discussions about Therapy and Psychiatric Hospitalization [link]
Is talking about suicide / suicide risk assessment iatrogenic?
- On the Iatrogenic Risk of Assessing Suicidality: A Meta-Analysis [link]
- The benefits and risks of asking research participants about suicide: A meta- analysis of the impact of exposure to suicide-related content [link]
- Role of media reports in completed and prevented suicide: Werther v. Papageno effects [link]
Why do people kill themselves?
- Advancing the Understanding of Suicide: The Need for Formal Theory and Rigorous Descriptive Research [link]
Suicide, self-harm, and identity:
- Racism and Poverty are Barriers to the Treatment of Youth Mental Health Concerns [link]
- Racial Inequality in Psychological Research: Trends of the Past and Recommendations for the Future [link]
Studying suicide “in the wild” with Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) studies:
- Acceptability and feasibility of EMA with augmentation of passive sensor data in young adults at high risk for suicide [link]
Working with self-reported data:
- Feelings or Words? Understanding the Content in Self-Report Ratings of Experienced Emotion [link]
- The Ordinal Nature of Emotions [link]
Machine Learning in context:
- Implementing Machine Learning Models for Suicide Risk Prediction in Clinical Practice: Focus Group Study With Hospital Providers [link]
- Mathematical and Computational Modeling of Suicide as a Complex Dynamical System [link]
- Advancing the Network Theory of Mental Disorders: A Computational Model of Panic Disorder [link]
- Racial/Ethnic Disparities in the Performance of Prediction Models for Death by Suicide After Mental Health Visits [link]
Suicide prevention and treatment:
- Psychological Approaches to Suicide Treatment and Prevention [link]
- Addressing the treatment gap: A key challenge for extending evidence-based psychosocial interventions [link]