How to Download/Run/Submit#
Joining the Class on Gradescope#
Create an account on Gradescope using your Wellesley College email.
Join the course using the entry code
Downloading the Homework#
Log into DeepNote using your Wellesley College email.
Go to homework link.
Duplicate the homework as private. You can do this by clicking on the “…” on the top right corner of the screen, and selected “Duplicate project”. When the dialog box pops up, make sure to click the ‘make private’ button.
After the project has been duplicated. Rename it to say:
, whereN
is the homework number, andFIRST
are your first and last names.
Submitting Homework#
Run each notebook from start to finish (with no interruptions) so we can see the output of every cell.
Download the
files of your notebooks from DeepNote.Using this tool, convert your
files to.pdf
files (make sure the “WebPDF” format is selected).Navigate to the course’s Gradescope and submit them there (please only submit the
Checking. Check to make sure that, in your Gradescope submission,
All cells have been run and their output is visible.
All images you included are showing.
You included the notebook for every checkpoint.
Your markdown text / math is not illegible because it was all put on the same line.
Homework problems that do not include the output of the code, as described above, create substantial additional work for us to grade, and will therefore be given zero credit.
Including Graphics in DeepNote#
For some of the assignments, you’ll have to draw figures (by hand, in google slides, or in some other way). To include these figures in a DeepNote notebook, follow these steps:
Upload your image to the
directory in DeepNote.Make sure this import statement is included:
from IPython.display import Image
.In a code cell, write
Running Code Locally#
The benefit of working in DeepNote is that no student should have installation issues—the environment is uniform for all students, and we’ve already taken care to ensure everything works. Students who prefer to complete the assignments locally on their own machines can follow the instructions here. However, we note that we unfortunately cannot help troubleshoot installation issues.
Create a virtual python environment with python \(3.10\). We recommend using Micromamba for this.
Then run the following commands in your terminal:
# Install Python packages
wget -O "requirements.txt" ""
pip install -r ./requirements.txt
# Get the course's helper libraries
wget -O "" ""
# Create a directory for uploading figures
mkdir -p figs